Moving Out
Moving Out
Request your preferred move-out time from Campus Living. Campus Living will send you a deadline by which you may request a specific move-out time. If you are unprepared for your scheduled move-out, late move-out fees may apply! Campus Living will confirm your move out day by email. If you do not request a specific time, a time will be assigned between 7am and noon on the standard move-out day.
Update your Refund Address on the Portal. Without a Refund Address, you will be ineligible to receive a deposit refund, and refunds expire 6 months after your occupancy ends! You can update your refund address on . (Note that your actual refund amount depends on factors such as the original deposit you paid, your account balance, and move-out related deductions.)
Update your subscriptions. The accounts for your subscriptions—such as WiFi, cellular, cable, and anything else that requires your residence address—need to be updated before you move out. Also make sure to return any physical items that are part of your subscriptions, such as cable boxes and modems.
Pack your things and clean your room. Pack and/or remove your personal items from your room (and shared spaces such as fridges, cupboards, storage locker, and basement storage where applicable). Any personal items left behind will be discarded within 10 business days and the cost of their disposal will be deducted from your deposit. Thoroughly clean all surfaces of your room (including walls, floors, toilet, etc.). Any cleaning charges incurred by UW for the room will be deducted from your deposit.
Be in your room for your scheduled move-out appointment. A staff member will meet you at your room to complete the move-out process with you. If you are not there or are unprepared, a late move-out fee may apply.
Return all applicable keys & cards. Residence room keys, mail keys, and laundry cards must be returned during the move-out appointment. (Your Salto card is also your student card, so you do not need to return it – Campus Living will deactivate your access based on your scheduled move-out time.)
Be prepared to leave your room after moving out. Once you complete your move-out, you can wait in your building's common areas or leave residence, but you will no longer have access to your room.
Arrange storage for your belongings. On , you can find storage for your belongings if you need to store them in Winnipeg after you move out.